We are here to help you balance your health and overall wellness in a sustainable way and keep you moving toward your goals in 3 simple ways
We treat pain and mobility problems that affect your ability to move the way that you want or need, so you can walk better, run better, and play better.
We develop or help you find the right fitness program for your unique needs to help you reach your goals for strength, fitness, weight loss and best health, whether you want to look better, feel better, or perform better.
We support all aspects of your health so you can better your life.
Although we support a holistic approach to wellness, we specialize in motion. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) studies show that 30-60 minutes of movement or exercise 5 days/week is ideal for our health. If you aren't getting that, let's talk about it. Not sure what to do? Worried about injuries? Our personal trainers are here to guide you through every step with a custom program built to help you achieve your goals while safely accommodating any health problems.
Is pain or discomfort stopping you? Let's set up a pain screening with one of our physical therapists so we can find out what's causing your pain, get to the root cause, and help you fix it so you can get moving.
Life can be stressful. Learn to recognize and manage your mindset so that stress has less of an impact on your overall health and recovery. Here are some of our favorite ways to do that:
- See the positive
- Find relaxation techniques
- Hobbies
- Healthy friendships
- Have a sense of humor
- Volunteer
- Apps and podcasts
Still having trouble? Counseling sessions can help you identify and resolve issues. Ask us if you need more resources. We are more than happy to refer you to someone we know and trust.
Nourishing your body properly will help you have the energy and nutrients you need to heal, perform, and work towards your goals. The Mediterranean Diet is evidence-based, and a plan we suggest for post people.
- Lots of vegetables
- 3 oz or less of meat per serving
- Some dairy
- Seafood twice/week
- Healthy fats
- Whole grains
- Fresh fruits for dessert
- One vegetarian meal weekly
Want more info? Go to, talk with your doctor or ask us if you need more resources. We are more than happy to refer you to someone we know and trust.
Sleep is essential for your body to recovery, heal and rejuvenate. If you aren't sleeping 7 hours per night, make sure you are focusing on good sleep hygiene.
- Avoid heavy meals or going to bed hungry
- Limit alcohol and caffeine intake before bed
- Build a bedtime routine: enjoy a hot bath, a book or soothing music, and try going to bed at the same time each night
- Turn off screens 30 minutes before bedtime
- Make sure your bedroom is quiet, cool and dark
- Avoid napping during the day
Still counting sheep? Talk to your primary care provider or ask us if you need more resources. We are more than happy to refer you to someone we know and trust.